Sunday, January 4, 2015

Disease Healing within Association of Natural Healing and Knowledge Sharing

Free to Join this "Association of Natural Healing and Knowledge Sharing" Send E-mail to: for more details.

This website has copyright protection and so do all my Rumble Videos, to use any of my writings or videos you will need written consent from author only!!!
This Website is Only for Members of this Association World Wide... and is not in Public Domain in any way, and falls under the Same Rights and Freedoms as "Freedom of Religion". 


There is on going demand for R&D in this Association.

There are many Individuals and Families that come to this Association, that have full blown Lyme Disease and other serious life threatening diseases. 
Some don't have the financial means to acquire  anything suggested within this Association.
Donations would be greatly appreciated.

Simply send Donation by "E-transfer" in Canada to kpnoad@gmail.  in Canada and USA  through PayPal to or "Money Gram" to Kevin Noad. Once Money Gram payment receipt is received, then send the confirmation Code Number by E-mail to, so the Donation can be collected.
This Donation will be set aside for those who really need the help.
Kevin Noad is a member of this Association, and is offering his time to helping those members, who don't have the financial means to help them selves.
Those who Donate can stay Anomonous, or they can meet the individual or family who they have helped out.

Thank you in advance ... And God Bless You for Your Generosity



Contact for answering questions on how to join this Association for free
Phone or Text: 1-587-877-8613

This Association of Natural Healing and Knowledge & Sharing is worldwide.
There members from all walks of life .... Pharmacists, Doctors, Veterinarians , Natural Path Practitioners, Nurses, Farmers, Trades People, Whole Families, and so on.
We all share knowledge of healing only to Members of this Association.  

Copy and Past Waiver below fill out and sign then take pic with phone and email to if you are not able to sign in person

 Association Membership Waiver


Date _____________________________

Print Full Name __________________________________________________

Sex:       M     ***    F         Date of Birth ________________________________

Residence:   City / Town ____________________________________________

Province / State ___________________________________________________

Country ___________________________________________________________

Phone # Home ____________________ Cell ____________________________

Email ___________________________________________________________

We do not and have not given, sold or diagnosed you, or prescribed to you any kind of drugs or other at any time. There is no needles or Blood Drawing. Members must donate one drop of blood from finger tip or ear lobe, for testing within this Association. This Association is not in Public Domain , and falls under the same rights and freedoms as "Freedom of Religion".

We are not liable for any negative out comes of treatments or travel to or from this location. 

By Entertaining any Practices or Treatments and or Natural Healing that others have done within this “Association of Natural Healing and Knowledge Sharing” YOU are doing at 100% your own risk.

Member signature_____________________________________________________________________


Lyme and Bartonella Knocked out of Clients Blood
Click the Green Link Below to see Live Blood Video of Before and After Taking Suggested Association Herbal Protocol


How To Make Liposomal 
Vit. C
Click Green Link Below


Nobel Prize Winner

Lida Mattman 

Video on Lyme Disease

Click Green Link Bleow

Lida Mattman at the Autoimmunity Research Foundation's Chicago Conference


Kevin Noad Video on

How to make Wild Mushroom Cancer Medicine
Click on Green link below

Cancer Killing Turkey Tail Mushroom Pic I Took

So everyone knows Youtube was removing all my videos on teaching plant medicine... So I removed over 130 Vids from youtube... well all my vids period.

To see SOME OF my Vids ON RUMBLE Click thE GREEN link below



 How Identify and Dig Sarsaparilla Video with 

Kevin Noad

Click Green Link Below 

How Grind Sarsaparilla Video

Part One


Kevin Noad

Click Green Link Below

Grinding Sarsaparilla Root 

Part 2


kevin noad video of 

Dadelion roots 

Dug up out of clay soil

Click Green Link Below


Kevin Noad's

How to do Gull Bladder, Liver Kidneystone Removal 

Kevin Noad's

How to do Gull Bladder, Liver Kidneystone Removal 

GALLBLADDER FLUSH by Peyton Elroy – Chasin' Unicorns

What You will need to acquire for the Gallbladder, Liver & Kidney Stone removal: 

Baking Soda, 2 liters of apple juice, non scented regular epsom salt, 1 liter of Extra Virgin Non GMO Olive Oil… you can purchase this at Walmart in Sylvan Lake…  2 grapefruit, 1 Organic Lemon… Next…. Juice the 2 GrapeFruit and the Lemon then mix with 3/4 cup of Extra Virgin Olive Oil put in a glass jar then into the fridge for later ingesting.

Here is what you do...   Day 1… Drink 1 liter of apple juice throughout the day.

Day 2… Don’t eat any hard to digest foods like meat or other, only soup or smoothies … In the morning of Day 2 start drinking another 1 liter of apple juice till 2:00 pm. Then 1 cup of water with 1 teaspoon of arm and hammer baking soda… quit eating at 2:00 pm. 

The apple juice  softens the gull, liver, kidney stones so they release without any pain.

If you don't drink the baking soda in water ... you will burn your rectum later from bowel movements.

Then at 6:00 pm drink 1-tablespoons of Epsom salts in an 8 oz glass of water. Then the same again at 8:00 pm. You will experience extreme multiple bowel movements so be prepared.

You want to make sure you are home bound for 2 full days.

Then at 10:00 pm on day 2 drink the 3/4 cup of  extra virgin olive oil, the 2 juiced grapefruit, and the juiced lemon stored in the fridge, shake well and drink it all down and it will stop the poop spree you are having which started after 6:00 PM

 Give yourself 1/2 hour to 1 hour before bedtime, try and stay on your right side when in bed for a while. I slept like a baby... then first thing in the morning day 3… drink one more 8oz glass of water with 1 tablespoon of Epsom salts.

Your liver, gallbladder and kidneys then will start releasing  stones in your next bowel movements. They will look like little green peas in your stool, some are whitish grey. Will probably be active with bowel movements till about 1:00 pm or later then you will probably be done.

The first time you will more than likely only see small stones, then repeat in 14 plus days. The second time you will see bigger stones, then again in 14 plus days. Continue till you don’t see any more stones, normal to do 4 to 5 times with the 14 day break.

Do not eat any meat or heavy foods right after, they call for eggs or  maybe light salad with fruit, soup.

  You should do this once every 2 weeks until there are no more green spots in your stool. On average it may even take up to 5 times.

 During the 14 day break, drink 1/2 cup of Olive Oil with 1 juiced lemon with 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar through the day every day, this will dissolve any liver, gallbladder or kidney stones. 

On average Gull , liver, kidney stones are  gone in 2 to 3 weeks doing dailey OLive Oil Combination


  Fatty Liver, Gallbladder Stones, Kidney Stone Diet

  1. Plenty of produce – Brightly colored, fresh and organic produce are the best picks on the fatty liver diet. Brightly colored fruit and vegetables are rich in antioxidants that combat liver inflammation. Fruit and vegetables contain fiber which helps remove excessive fat from the bloodstream. In addition, produce is packed with vitamins and minerals needed for optimal liver function. Produce especially valuable to a fatty liver include blueberries, cherries, raspberries, oranges, grapefruit, papaya, tomatoes, spinach, broccoli, kale, asparagus, artichoke, mustard greens and bell peppers.
  2. Whole grains – These complex carbohydrates provide a steady supply of energy, help stabilize blood sugar levels and are low on the glycemic index. In addition, whole grains contain vitamins and minerals needed for optimal liver function. Good choices of whole grains for a fatty liver include oats, bulgur, quinoa, spelt, barley, brown rice, wild rice and rye. 
  3. Healthy fats – Unsaturated fats and omega 3-fatty acids are good for the liver’s health because they reduce inflammation. Healthy fats are found in nuts, seeds, cold-water fish and vegetable oils. More specifically, foods such as coconut oil, avocados, flax seed oil, wild salmon and mackerel help reduce liver inflammation.
  4. Protein at every meal – Protein at every meal, especially breakfast, helps balance blood sugar and insulin levels, reduces sweet cravings and provides the liver with the amino acids needed to function optimally. Good protein choices include eggs, a protein shake, nuts, seeds, fish, organic-free-range chicken and lean, grass-fed meat.
Most important is to not ingest any kind of GENETICALLY MODIFIED ORGANISMS (GMO) whether you have fatty liver, or are healthy !!!
So you have to read labels of everything you buy if they include the following DO NOT EAT!!!... canola oil, soy oil, soy of any kind, or lables that say may contain soy or the other, sunflower oil, vegetable oil, corn oil, corn syrup, sugar, aspertame, wheat, white four, wheat based pasta, and rice. 

In short most all grains and produce today are sprayed with ("Round Up" /// "Liberty") pesticide, which contain glysophates that cause cancer, and alter your DNA and is destroying Planet Earth, because it is water soluble, now it is in our water table every where AND IN THE AIR WE BREATH. 
SO the "Farmers" just keep on spraying their crops with it ,  AND everyday "Citizens" everywhere are spraying their so called danelion weeds WITH IT... that are the most health enhancing herb on the Planet Earth... SEE LINK TO VIDEO ON THIS BELOW!!!
Only consume products that have the NON GMO labels .
You can buy NON GMO rice, and olive oil at Walmart in Sylvan lake, you can buy NON GMO bread in Sobey stores every where if they are not sold out.... people are starting to realize the
GMO Connection to what is causing so much CANCER AND DISEASE. 
Thanks to Monsanto - (Monsatin).

Sobeys stores in Red Deer, Sylvan Lake, and Rocky Mountain House, phone them and ask if they have Silver Hills bread if they do buy the "Squirrely Bread " or the "Big 16".

MOST INPORTANT is to Buy and consume "Milk Thistle Seed Powder" regularly, will detox and rebuild the liver, spleen, bull bladder and kidneys

See link below to buy the "Milk Thistle seed Powder". below.
Safe sweeteners to injest are, xylitol sugar made from birch and maple tree sap, you can buy this white sugar at the bulk barn in Red Deer. It looks and tastes like regular sugar, but has no negative cancer and  anaerobic disease bacteria polysaccharide food, also safe for diabetics.
That being said so also pure maple syrup is ok, honey moderately or liquid stevia which is extracted from a plant in South America.

Blessings with lots of Love and Light..... Kevin Noad

Watch The Doctor in Video Below Knocking Out Liver Stones
Used the Same Application as I have Posted on this Web Page
Click on this link:



Watch Very Important Video Below !!!
12 Complications of Having Your Gull Bladder Removed


Best Foods for Fatty Liver, Gull Bladder Problems
This is a Must Watch Video for Everyone.


For Liver and Gull Bladder Problems
Click on Blue Link Below to Order

Nutricology, Ox Bile, 500 mg, 100 Vegicaps


For Liver and Gull Bladder Problems
Click on Blue Link Below to Order

Jarrow Formulas, Bile Acid Factors, 120 Capsules


NAC Immune System Booster, Blood thinner, Lung Problem Fix
Fights C. 19 Vac. Negative Effects
Sleeping Aid

NOW Foods, NAC, 1000 mg, 120 Tablets


Click on Green Link below to order :  

For Liver, Spleen, Gull Bladder and Kidney Detox & Rebuild Take 1 tsp. or 2000mg per day. 
Week on a week off...  Make sure you are eating organic Rolled Oats everyday, to mop up toxins released from Liver, spleen and kidneys.
Milk Thistle Protects Cells FromToxic Chemotherapy Side Effects ...


              Bulk Sesame- Seed 100% Organic

     Add 2 tbsp of seed to coffee grinder, then sprinkle ground powder onto food, or in smoothie, hot tea dailey for super health.

Super important source of Copper 1magnesium, manganese, selenium and fiber, to help kill Lyme Disease. Sprinkle on food, or put in smoothies, tastes great, been used for health and healing for thousands of years.

Click on blue link below. 

Seeds (Sesame Seeds)
Copper in 100gPer cup (144g)Per ounce (28g)
4.08mg (204% DV)5.88mg (294% DV)1.14mg (57% DV)
Other Seeds High in Copper 1 (%DV per ounce):Sunflower Seeds (26%), Pumpkin & Squash Seeds (19%), Flaxseeds (17%), and Watermelon Seeds




 Remember to watch for pathogen kill overload. Even if it is day one stop taking herbal mixture for a full 7 days min.

Make sure to be drinking 2 litres of programmed water each and every day.

Always only start with 1/2 program for first month, to see if there is too much pathogen kill overload.

New information update for Association Members ... the herbal blends have been stored in the large wooden  Pyramid ongoing.
And without any doubt the power of the herbs has doubled or more. So through Association members feed back this has been confirmed. 
By the Association members experimenting they have found that, the protocol had to be lowered see below.

                "Herbal Mix Program Protocol" 

for members of the Association only,
everything shared with in this Blogsite is from Members sharing ideas only, and anything said is only on opinion.
This is not to be entertained by anyone who is not a member, or has not signed Association Waiver, or has not been Oriented within this Association.

Anything members of this Association experiment with or entertain that other members have done... they are doing at their own risk.

In this Association no one diagnosis, prescribes any drug or herb or other, we do not make any kind of Claims.

The following Protocol and other Plugins, of what members of the Association have shared and experimented with, you within this Association are entertaining at 100% your own risk.


   "Herbal Program Plugins"
If You scroll down You will see where you can order the Program Plugins by clicking on the blue high lighted links. All orders have to go to a physical address, not a PO Box number.

Herbal program plugins are:

1). Taking 5 - 10,000 IU Vit. D3 pills, each day for 7 days on pathogen kill week only.
2). Taking 2 - 400 IU Vit. E Pills every day for 7 days in a row on pathogen clean out week. 
3). Taking 2 Capra Goat Milk Colostrum pills each day on pathogen clean out week.
4). Taking 1 full squirt of Echinacea Goldenseal
under tongue, twice daily for 7 days in a row on pathogen clean out week.
5). Take 3 L - Ornithine pills 3 days on 3 days of 
continually, to mop out pathogen toxins from whole body. Other pathogen toxin mops are, celery juice, apple pectin, horsetail herb tea, organic oatmeal.
6). Take one 50 mg zinc pill for 7 days on 3 days off.
7). Take 1 - B - 50 capsule with meal each day 7 days on 3 days off. 


     Pathogen Kill Overload Symptoms

What are the symptoms of Pathogen kill overload to be aware of ?
Lower kidney back pain, swelling joints, rash out break, sudden fatigue, anxiety, depression, fear, aching or pain in any part of body, brain fog, heart pulsation, extreme mood swings, diarrhoea, blurred vision, nausea, fever, night sweats, suicidal thoughts.
As soon as any of these symptoms raise their head, immediately 
stop taking anything that kills pathogens for a min of 7 days.
It is very important to be drinking a min of 2 litres of programmed water daily every day all the time, and tapping the breastbone when ever you can remember to stimulate lymphatic flow.

Can you flush a toilet without water ? Of coarse not... Can the Lymphatic system in the human body, flush out pathogen kill and toxins without water ? Of coarse not... And not drinking enough programmed water, could very well cause lymphatic flow blockage, which can lead to cancer.
See video way down below on making programmed water, it is so easy to do.

Make sure to tap your breast bone when ever you can remember, this will stimulate the thymus gland to increase lymphatic flow.


   This Website has lots of really good videos and literature on disease, and steps to kill disease. Make sure you take the time to see and read all the information on this web site, be sure to scroll way down and see really important Videos of Doctors on disease.


Best PH test paper on the market Today

Prairie Naturals Ph Paper Roll


                                    Health Guide Links

              Click on Blue link below:

Now Foods, Vitamin C Crystals, 8 oz (227 g)


Here is Non GMO and non Soy sunflower Lecithin to make Liposomal Vit. C  Click on this link:


This is a must plug - in with Herbal Protocol

Take one B- 50 Capsule each day 7 days on 3 days off and so on. Very Important for brain and stress relief of nervous system. Click on blue high lighted link below to order.


Glutathione immune System Builder, anti-Oxidant, liver detox and builder, sleep aid, Cov. 19 Vac. damage rebuilder and detox.

 Best way to take it and it should be taken on an empty stomach along with vitamin C 1000 not less or more, after taking it on empty stomach wait 25 min approximately after that you can eat. Empty stomach means 2 hour after your last meal.

Click the Blue Link below to order:


This is a must plug-in with Herbal Program Protocol.

Take one pill each day for 7 days then 3 days off and so on. Very important for immune system health, and anti- inflammatory  Click on blue high lighted link below to order.


This is a Must Plug in on Clean Out Week 
Take 2 400 IU Pill Each Day on Your pathogen Clean 7 Days off Herbal Program. 
Here is Non GMO Natural Vitamin - E to lower blood pressure with out prescription dangerous drugs. Click on Link: below
Dosage: 1200 mg to 3800 mg

Now Foods, Sun-E 400, 120 Softgels     


     This is a Must Plug in on Kill Week


  Take 5 pills / 50,000 IU daily for 7 days, then off 7 and so on. With the Herbal Program on the kill week.
Make sure to take 1 to 2 pills of (# 3 herbal Program) with Vit. D3 

                                  Click on Blue Link Below to Order 



Here is Dr Prendergast who has studied Vit D3 for decades, hear the truth that most Doctors and Pharmacists are ignorant of, and wrongly educated to believe is toxic in large amounts.

Click on Green Link below...To get the Truth on Vit. D3 and that it is Really a Complex Hormone that Rebuilds Your Whole Body.


This is a Must Plug in on Clean out Week

Take 2 Pills each day on the 7 day clean week or 7 days off herbal program.

 Best Immune System Building Lactoferrin Colostrum on the Market Today.

This is by far the fastest way to rebuild White blood cells and so much more benefits, as you will find out reading the many exciting  reviews.

Mt. Capra, CapraColostrum, Goat Milk Colostrum, 120 Capsules

Click on the blue link below to order:


This is a Must in the Clean out Week
Take 1 full squirt under tongue morning and night, each day on the 7 day clean week or 7 days off herbal program.

 For Immune System Building White Blood Cells

                Put full squirt under tongue twice daily. This is a pure 100% extract and really hard to find.
Do not buy from any place else, it cannot have alcohol base !
Nature's Way, Echinacea Goldenseal, Alcohol Free 99.9%, 1 fl oz (30 ml)

Nature's Way, Echinacea Goldenseal, 250 mg, 1.01 fl oz (30 ml)

L-Ornithine for detoxing Blood of Pathogen Urine and other Toxins. Helps as a sleep aid and Liver , spleen and Kidney Detox.
Use only 3 days in a row max then 3 day break and back on again and so on. Take 3 capsules at a time each day min.

Now Foods, L-Ornithine, 500 mg, 120 Veg Capsules


To Be Applied Every Night before Bed see how Below.

Betadine Antiseptic 10% Iodine Solution

Click Blue Link to Order:

Apply a liberal drizzle line around base of Jaw let run down, then run into throat to base of throat (thyroid Gland) , some on breast bone, in each arm pits,  every day before bed time. Then put little olive oil in hands rub together, then rub on application, it will be instantly dissolved away into skin, with no trace of brown stain. 

One of the advantages of using povidone-iodine versus more traditional tincture of iodine is that Betadine Iodine is less cost to buy and less likely to stain skin, clothing or other materials. Also it is 10% Iodine and is not based in alcohol that burns the skin. Also most of the alcohol based Iodines are only 2% or 3 % Iodine, and cost a ridiculous amount of money, and stain clothing and porcelain sinks that don't come off for a very long time.
I've seen 30 ml bottles of alcohol based 2% Iodine costing over $60.00 each. Where 500 ml of the Betadine below at 10% Iodine is only approx  $12.00. Also Betadine is the only known thing that will kill MRSA. It has been used in hospitals for over 45 years, for disinfecting and as a source of Iodine for the Thyroid and hormonal health.
Also our skin is a self regulator and only absorbed what we need, make sure You never ingest it orally.

Some individuals will experience reddish or brownish staining on skin when applying , just put a small amount of olive oil on palm of hands, rub together and rub area's applied to, the brown will be instantly absorbed into skin with no more stain or stickiness.
Wash with cold water to remove the any stain from clothing.

A more significant benefit is the antiseptic's ability to kill a broad range of microbes, including antibiotic-resistant bacteria like MRSA. Iodine does not contribute to resistant microbes, and is often considerably less costly than first-aid creams containing antibiotics or antifungals that do contribute to resistant microbes.  


  ORMUS for Super Healing Power

This is the Best for Brain Fog and Metal Clarity we have Found so far.

For brain health, increase memory ability, rebuilds Chromosome Telomeres for cell rebuilding, energy boosting, de-aging, boost sexual health,
Has also show intelligence, and memory boost.
 Min of 10 drops under tongue, I personally use one full squirt but that is allot for others. This stuff is the best Brain food in the world period.
Monatomic Balance for Brain and Body Health Click on Blue Link Below:


1:21:35 / 1:42:13
See How Round Up Weed Killer is actually killing the whole world 


                       WE ARE WHAT WE EAT!!!

Click on this Video Below and Make Your Most Important Move For Yourself and Loved One's


 Here is how to Make Heart Valve Plaque Disolver

In a 1 ounce dropper bottle add 60 % distilled water, 40 % Vodka, 15 or more drops of tabasco sauce, and 2 drops of mint oil, and 10 drops of liquid stevia.
You would shake the bottle very well, and put a full squirt under your tongue (3 x a day), and hold for a minute or till dissolved away.
This will go directly into blood stream, and help dissolve plaque and nasty bacterial biofilms in the blood stream.
Many of the Members within the Association said they noticed less heart pulsations, and or problems in about 2 weeks time. 

          Healthy Fats You Must Eat Daily  

Dosage: Min of 3 tablespoons a day on salads or other.

 Your liver will make packets of energy, from these healthy oils and fats, that has 5 times more energy than carb sugars.

And has no polysaccharides feed cancer or disease of any kind, like carb sugars do.

These Healthy Oils Do Not Contain Dangerous G.M.O. Toxins.

Dosage: Min of 4 tablespoons a day on salads or other

1). Olive Oil
2). Avocado Oil 
3). Organic Butter
4). Tallow
5). Coconut Oil
6). Fish Oil


Benefits of maple syrup

Maple syrup is one of the best natural remedies for cancer. It helps prevent the proliferation of cancer cells according to recent studies in Canada and the United States. US scientist Navindra Seeram of the University of Rhode Island conducted a study that discovered the presence of 13 antioxidant compounds in maple syrup. The latter have antibacterial, anticancer and antidiabetic properties.

Benefits of baking soda

Baking soda is an alkaline product able to regenerate the cells of the body by promoting their supply of oxygen. It is worth noting that cancer cells spread in acid environments and in anaerobic environment (absence of oxygen). In other words, the acidity of the human body is the main cause of cancer, hence the importance of balancing the pH (power of hydrogen) of the body.
According to Dr. Tullio Simoncini, a specialist in oncology, infection with a fungus called Candida Albicans can cause cancer. He notes that the modern lifestyle and environmental pollutants lead to the formation of these fungi, and consequently the development of cancerous tumors. The doctor advises to consume baking soda, because its anti-cancer and alkalizing properties help to prevent the formation of the tumors.

Recipe for this natural anti-cancer remedy

• Baking soda
• Pure maple syrup
Preparation and use:
Mix the baking soda with the maple syrup, (one part baking soda with three parts maple syrup) preferably not in an aluminium pot or pan. Rather use stainless steel or copper cookware.
Then heat the mixture over low heat, without overheating, stiring the mixture quickly for 5-10 minutes.
Consume three teaspoons per day of this natural cure for cancer for one month.

During the course of the treatment, it is necessary to avoid the consumption of table sugar, meat and white flour for the treatment to be successful.

There is a member of this Association Who kicked out Her Brain Cancer tumour Completely, doing this for 3 months time.
The Doctors are baffled I guess, this is new news to this Association as of March 11th 2020

Kevin's Healthy Salad Dressing to be shared with everyone.
3 cups of Extra virgin olive oil, or Avocado or Grape seed oil or all in combination
1/4 cup of Honey or Xylitol Sugar
3 table spoons of Red Wine Vinegar.
2- tsp of powdered garlic
2- tsp of onion powder
2- tsp of Oregano Powder
2- tsp of Basil Powder
1/2 tsp of pepper
1 table spoon of lemon juice
1/2 tsp of sea salt or Himalayan salt
2-tblsp of Dijon Mustard
3 table spoons of Parmesan Cheese.

Then put all into blender and blend for 2 min.

Store in cupboard, no need for refrigeration.

Most all store bought salad dressings, contain dangerous amounts of GMO from the canola oil & soy oil, that destroy our DNA & RNA.

 Some even contain propylene glycol ! 
That is RV antifreeze, which has been proven to cause breast and prostrate cancer !
Also the Blue Gel that physiotherapist's use on the ultra sound probe contact devices, is also Propylene Glycol. 
Say no to that Gel and use Clear pure Aloe Vera Gel instead, it is safe and works better.

      Do Not Eat These Foods That Contain Polysaccharides that feed cancer and disease of any kind.

Carbs /Sugars that contain Polysaccharides that feed biofilms, bacteria, Protozoa and Parasites, fungus, molds, Candida Yeast and cancer.

1). Any white flesh Potatoes (white, red, russet, Yukon gold and so on).
2). White rice / Brown rice
3). Bread, wraps, donuts, taco chips, white flour, or any kind of grain flour.
4). Any kind of pasta
5). Aspartame, destroys brain and optic nerve cells / go blind !
6). Fluoride, calcifies pineal gland, causes cancer
7). Chlorine, calcifies pineal gland, causes cancer
8). Canola Oil, Super high in GMO is used as a pesticide.
9). Soy, Super high in GMO is used as a pesticide.
10). Any kind of G.M.O. food period.
11). Corn Oil or Corn Product high in GMO 
12). Crisco Oil high in GMO
14). Any store bought salad dressings for they all contain canola or soy.
15). Corn, corn syrup, corn starch.
16). No coffee of any kind, it takes 11 cups of PH water at 7.4 to 8 alkaline to neutralize 1 cup of acid Coffee in the human body. Also for sure coffee increases heart beat and blood pressure . Do Yourself a big favour drink herbal teas.
17). No white sugar, brown sugar, pop , ice tea, hard alcohol .


               Foods You Can Eat



3).  Fish & seafood OK but don’t eat, Farmed Salmon, or  seafood from Pacific Ocean, because of radiation poisoning from Fukushima Japan Nucular Reactor Disaster dumping daily into Pacific Ocean.
4). Nuts, Wild Rice and dried or raw fruits providing you read the labels and there is no  Canola or soy.
5). Sprouted seed and grains that are non G.M.O.


Keep Urine PH at 7.4 or higher 8 is max no higher. 
If you are at a acid PH, take 1 tsp of baking soda in 1/2 glass of water 15 to 20 min. after Breakfast and Supper every day. Take more if needed until you acquire 7.4 to 7.6 PH, anything lower than 7.4 and your body can't absorb nutrients or oxygen very well. 
Use Prairie Naturals PH Paper and only use Urine to test PH not Saliva.

One thing I will say is no white sugar or soda pop or ice tea, this will for sure make your PH super acidic. When your body PH is acidic, the blood cannot absorb oxygen, minerals or nutrients, including healing herbs of any kind. Also this will cause disease growth in many different forms.



How to Make Liposomal Vit. C the Easy Way

Watch this Video to learn how to make Lip. Vit C And amounts to take 




This is 1MHz Frequency Ultra Sound Generator , use on head to open blood brain barrier, to allow herbal medicine in to kill pathogens and brain plaques, that cause Parkinson's, Dementia, Alzheimer's disease and memory loss.
Also for any kind of joint or body pain and or injury.
They send a blue gel which contains propylene glycol !!! throw it away and use Aloe Vera Gel.

US Pro 2000 Portable Ultrasound Device (2nd Edition)

US Pro 2000 Portable Ultrasound Machine

US Pro 2000 Portable Ultrasound Machine
Click on this link to Order:



Click on Blue Link Below to Order:


Here are reflex and Eye charts for healing and reading health
Click on charts to enlarge to view or printing.


                        GOOD HEALTHY WATER

Here is how to make good healthy water to drink. 
Drinking bottled water today is a gamble to your health after all the research that has been done on that topic. 
Before one considers anything... plastic containers of any kind create toxins to water or what ever is stored in them period!!! Only store water in glass containers in your fridge, even a pickle jar will work ok.

1). Buy a water distiller on line here:
2). In the 1 gallon glass container full of distilled water add 1/4 tsp of HIMALAYAN PINK SEA SALT. And 1/4 tsp of ARM & HAMMER baking soda, stir well. This will give you perfect 7.4 Alkaline water  drink a min of 2 litres a day.
Rinse out distiller clean before making another batch of clean water.


PS Add a couple cups of white pickling vinegar to your distiller and let sit over night.
This will remove all the calcium and scum build up.


Table salt is comprised of sodium chloride and along with that often contaminated with sand and glass.



Eat lots of raw green live vegetables, no red meat, pork, white sugar, pop, or table salt, white potatoes, bread, rice. You can have Xylotol sugar made from hard wood trees.
Eat 35% of your diet as fats... eggs, organic - unsalted butter, if salted butter only sea salt,  olive oil, coconut butter, avocado oil, grape seed oil, flax oil, non gmo nuts, fish, sea food, chicken, duck, grouse, goose, and turkey, fowl in general.  Moderately eat fruits, 65% of diet has to be raw vegetables. Very important to eat lots of fats if you cut down on the carbs, your liver will make ketone energy out of fats, for your whole body energy needs. Other wise you will literally wither away. Like lots of healthy fat intake is VERY IMPORTANT!!!

                 Eggs are considered a super food

 Think about this... what is in a egg builds a complete healthy chicken...
 SEE Video Link below: 

Watch These two Videos below about healthy fats... are good for you 

Keep Urine PH at 7.4 or higher 8 is max no higher. 
If you are at a acid PH, take 1 tsp of baking soda in 1/2 glass of water, then retest PH 1 plus hours after. Take more if needed until you acquire 7.4 to 7.6 PH, anything lower than 7.4 and your body can't absorb nutrients or oxygen very well. 
 It takes 11 cups of water to neutralize 1 cup of coffee from being acidic to your whole body

 Dr. Allen McDonald on Lyme Disease this is a must listen to all his videos below. I would say he is truly one of the worlds leaders on Lyme disease. He Proved that many named diseases are the same bacteria... "Borrelia Burgdorferi".


                             Part 1

                             Part 2

                                         Part 3


Dr. Tim Lu - Biofilms and Phage Therapy



Co infections Presentation, Diagnosis and Symptoms of Lyme Disease.

Spirochete Warfare

by Elena Cook


Borrelia, the microbes which cause Lyme disease, are a sub-type of the wider biological classification of spirochetes. Now it has become apparent that the spirochetes were weaponized over 75 years ago.
That knowledge comes to us from a book published in 1944. The title of the book is "Japan's Secret Weapon", by Barclay Newman, a leading science writer of the time, as well as former US Navy malaria scientist.
For decades the public health agencies of the US and other NATO countries have denied the existence of virulent cell-wall deficient forms of spirochetes. The lack of a cell wall renders microbes resistant to penicillin and related antibiotics, as these work precisely by disrupting the formation of new cell walls during bacterial replication. The minute size and pleomorphic nature of these forms, in contrast to the striking spiral shape of a typical spirochete as featured in modern microbiology textbooks, made these microbes appear "invisible" - above all to those who did not wish, or did not wish others, to see them.
This WW2-era book helps to confirm what some investigating the history of Lyme disease have long suspected; that the official denial of the devastating pathogenic nature of the granule and other "L-forms"(1) of Lyme-causing Borrelia, is related to their biological warfare significance.
To put it bluntly, Newman's book provides cogent circumstantial evidence that many Cell-wall deficient forms of Borrelia are in fact weaponized spirochetes, nurtured, cultured and optimized for aerosol delivery.
The following essay is based on the information in Chapter IV of Newman's book. The title of the chapter is simply "Spirochete Warfare".


For many decades it was assumed that the horrors of the Second World War did not include the use of biological weapons. Finally, in the 1980's, thanks to the diligent efforts of historians and investigative journalists, the barbaric crimes of the Japanese Unit 731 were revealed to the general public.
Unit 731 and related units practised mass medical experimentation, including the cutting open of living human beings, who endured grotesque surgical operations without anaesthetic. Often the purpose was to observe directly the hemorrhaging and other changes in the organs of the victim - man, woman or child - as he or she died in agony from a deliberately-induced infectious disease.
As well as human experimentation, the Japanese scientists launched attacks with plague and other weapons of mass destruction, killing many thousands of Chinese and other victims. The true death toll of these atrocities is not yet known outside of classified circles.
Though the US government has long denied it, not only were they fully aware of the Japanese and Nazi biowarfare programs, but also, incredibly, after the War, they protected the architects of these programs of death from prosecution as war criminals. This was in order to recruit them for the American biological weapons program against the Soviet bloc, which they duly did.
We now know, for example, that the US allowed leading Nazi bioweaponeer Erich Traub to play a major role in setting up research at their biowarfare lab on Plum Island, a stone's throw away from Lyme, Connecticut, where the first recorded outbreak of Lyme disease in America occurred in the 1970's. Traub's germ warfare knowledge was considered so important that, his Nazi past notwithstanding, he was invited to take charge of scientific research on the Island in the 1950's.
Like Traub, Japanese biowarfaremen were similarly greeted with open arms, their wartime atrocities hushed up. In return for their co-operation, the US allowed these monsters to occupy some of the most prestigious and influential posts in Japanese medicine, till their retirement decades later.

Newman's Fear

During the War, Barclay Newman, leading science writer and former malariologist with the US Navy became aware that the Japanese were building up a program of deadly biological weaponry. Desperate to warn his countrymen of what he believed was an impending Armageddon, he wrote a book entitled "Japan's Secret Weapon".
At the time, the American military authorities wanted to ban his book, but later decided that to do so would call too much attention to the very issues they considered it necessary to cover up. Instead they resorted to arranging a smear campaign against the author, and unfavorable reviews dismissing Newman's revelations as alarmist fantasy were published in the press. Today, thanks to the efforts of leading historians, we know that Newman's fears regarding a Japanese biological program of mass destruction were soundly-based, and indeed, one of the most authoritative works on the history of biowarfare Unit 731 relies on information found in Newman's book.(2)

"Japan's Secret Weapon" contains no less than 28 pages on one aspect of the Japanese bioweapon program - "Spirochete Warfare". Newman begins his chapter of the same name by lamenting the widespread disbelief, in his era, of the true devastating potential of germ warfare. He then alleges that two to three years before Pearl Harbor, "Nazi and Japanese scientists cooperated in warfare against or with spirochetes - in Hawaii." (original author's italics). What he is referring to is an exceptionally virulent outbreak of the spirochetal disease leptospirosis, also known as Weil's disease, and known at the time in Germany as "slime fever". With official reports of 44% mortality from the outbreak, Newman states:
Consult the authorities, and you will find out that, very definitely, so high a mortality is attained only by Japanese strains of spirochetes of slime fever.
In his characteristic tongue-in-cheek style, Newman goes on to say the following:
Suppose you consult a spirochete specialist in his laboratory at an institute devoted to research on tropical diseases. This specialist is busy, of course. But not so busy as he ought to be or as he will be later..."It is difficult, even for an expert technician, to catch and recognize a spirochete," the specialist informs you. "So here are some pictures from the gallery of the world's worst rogues."Newman goes on to describe a picture of a typical syphilis spirochete, in a manual offered by the hypothetical spirochetologist to the reader, and then says:
"Bacterium?" you ask.
"No, according to the Japanese, who know the most about spirochetes, they are like bacteria in being low forms of plant life - that is, fungi. The Japanese claim that spirochetes are closely related to bacteria but are not bacteria, among which spiral forms are found. Like bacteria, spirochetes reproduce by splitting across the middle. But the Japanese think that a spirochete can also break itself into many tiny granules, each as small as the invisible molecule of a virus, and each capable of recreating a new spirochete. Bacteria do not seem to multiply in this odd way...The Japanese say that there is no drug effective against this spirochete."
(Emphasis mine. It is important to bear in mind that these words were written at the dawn of the antibiotic era. Today many patients who have been lucky enough to receive a correct diagnosis of their Lyme disease have been cured, or had their symptoms alleviated, by modern therapeutic agents.)The imaginary spirochetologist goes on to explain that much of the research on spirochetes current at that time, and even the manuals in use by US forces and the Public Health Service, are based on Japanese findings. In Newman's scenario, the reader goes on to examine pictures of syphilis, borrelia and other spirochetes, in the US military manual, all originating from Japanese drawings:
You find out that Inada and Ito were the great investigators of the spirochetes of slime fever. When you peer closely at the dainty Japanese pictures of this spirochete, you perceive that, although at first sight it seems to be a chain of bright dots, it is really a slender thread whose spiralling gives the impression of beading. The thread is curved or hooked at one or both ends. The living spiral propels itself by rotary motion of the hook, as the Japanese discovered.
Newman then describes how the work of Hideyo Noguchi, acclaimed worldwide for his discovery of the syphilis spirochete as the cause of general paresis in 1913, was continued in Japanese labs.
Japanese technicians took a hint from Noguchi and forced the spirochete to multiply on special jellies. The Japanese have reported that you can increase the virulence, or killing power, of these spirals by growing them in flesh and blood, of guinea pig or man.
(Emphasis mine.) It is useful to remember at this point that the difficulty in culturing spirochetes using normal, ethical methods, was not just a pitfall of WW2-era technology. The resistance of many spirochetes, including borrelia, to culture in vitro remains a problem for lab scientists even today.
In Japan, vaccines for prophylaxis have long been in use. But non-Japanese workers cannot make such vaccines. None but the Japanese seems to know how to use spirochete vaccines to prevent the spread of an epidemic.
Newman goes on to discuss the Japanese discoveries of spirochetal agents of nanukayami ("seven-day fever") and akiyami ("autumn fever") and then, referring to one of the original discoverers of the causative agent of leptospirosis, states:
Inada has reported that the Japanese know how to get virus-like, quite invisible particles or spirochete- fragments from special cultures of spirochetes of infectious jaundice. The Japanese say that such infinitesimals can be used to infect animals and men, by spraying droplets containing these spirochete-creating bits into the air, or spreading them through water, or scattering them in mud or damp soil.
(Emphasis mine.)
Newman then discusses the prevalence of leptospirosis worldwide, and his imaginary spirochete expert notes:
"...Immediately before the Japanese invasion of China, Indo-China, the Dutch East Indies, and the Malay States, and shortly before the Japanese invasion of India and the Japanese strokes at Australia, the very first outbreaks of slime fever were reported from every one of these areas..."
After an enigmatic discussion about American and British outbreaks of leptospirosis, and the tick-borne disease tularemia in the US (the latter Newman's scientist describes as having "somehow got in accidentally from Japan"), the reader, in the hypothetical discussion, asks about antibiotics:
"Why can't sulfa drugs be used?"

"Simply because they have no effect on the spirochetes."

"What about penicillin? The newspapers say that penicillin is effective where other miracle drugs fail."

"That's an enthusiastic way of telling you that penicillin is effective against certain infections caused by bacteria which are not influenced by sulfa dugs. As the Japanese have pointed out, spirochetes are not bacteria. And just to give you some idea of the distance to a cure-all, the Japanese actually grow dysentery bacilli and other bacteria in cultures saturated with sulfa drugs. In this way they get strains which are not only more virulent but completely resistant to sulfa drugs. Other bacteria not affected by the most miraculous new synthetics are those of tuberculosis and leprosy. For the worst plagues there are as yet no drugs at all..."

"...They [ie the Japanese] find spirochetes especially fascinating?"

"And they never give up. In 1940, Masao Mujimori reported new successes in transmitting syphilis spirochetes from cultures grown for many years in the laboratories of Tokyo Imperial University - doubtless the very cultures started in a small way by Noguchi. Fujimori (sic) was testing out the effects of spreading two different parasites into the same guinea pig at the same time. The Japanese discovered that one parasite promotes the lethal action of the other. He demonstrated that diphtheria bacilli are more virulent when used along with syphilis ...

"Sometimes the Japanese think up the damnedest experiments, such as the transmission of syphilis by spraying the spirochetes into the air or into the eyes of animals or volunteers. Infection is thus accomplished. Japanese technicians have been not only the outstandingly successful cultivators of spirochetes and many other very deadly germs but also the sole successful mass producers of the most dangerous and horrible microbes....Some of the apparently fantastic claims of new methods of transmission by Japanese specialists have been investigated and their truth established in American laboratories years after the claims were first made. Therefore, if you want to speculate further about the possibilities of spirochete warfare, you can be sure that the Japanese know how to spread any spirochete disease - slime fever, syphilis, yaws, sodoku (3), relapsing fever - by spraying droplets laden with specially cultured spirochetes. So they do not have to drop infected fleas, rats or even leopards from planes, as suggested by popular writers.
Relapsing fever is caused by the Borrelia genus of bacteria, and is generally transmitted to man either by lice, or by the bite of a tick. It is worth noting, too, that recent investigations into the genetic make-up of Lyme borrelia have found some strains apparently more closely related to relapsing fever Borrelia than to Borrelia burgdorferi, long considered the only borrelia capable of causing Lyme disease.
The spirochetologist continues:
"It would cost only a few thousand yen, possibly only a few yen if you pieced out the work in homes, to produce enough spirochetes to infect a nation or even a continent. As to methods of broadcasting spirochetes secretly so as to avoid detection and reprisal, you yourself can probably list hundreds of different furtive technics if you put your mind on the problem...Such broadcast spirochetes and super-spirochetes bred to order would stay alive in dust, water, damp soil, mud, food. And none would be the wiser. Cases and epidemics would not break out until the enemy had been gone for days, weeks, or even months...."
The conversation continues:
"Are spirochetes really doing any significant killing anywhere?"

"Slime fever kills its thousands, syphilis and yaws their tens of thousands, and spirochete relapsing fever its hundreds of thousands if not its millions..."

"Hundreds of thousands, possibly millions - where?"

"In Africa today, where it is spread among tens of millions by ticks, lice and bedbugs. The spirochete of relapsing fever is almost as important a killer as malaria and trypanosomiasis, or sleeping sickness...The spirochete virulence varies widely...Only a small per cent may succumb, but in a few epidemics the mortality has attained 75 per cent. In West Africa in a recent epidemic extending through several years, probably 10 per cent of the entire population was killed off by spirochetes running wild from Morocco and Algiers down the Niger to Senegal and the French Sudan, southward to the Gold Coast and Nigeria. Perhaps a million natives died in this one epidemic..."
Newman's spirochetologist then suggests that the tropical spirochetal disease yaws would be an even more likely candidate for dissemination by the Japanese, due to the fact that apart from flies, the disease may be spread by contact with infected objects and any direct contact with a sufferer. He describes how, after an incubation period of a few weeks, yaws causes joint pains, digestive disturbances, headache, fever and a skin nodule surrounded by a ring of inflammation. A few months later further sores break out and the headache and joint pains intensify. The symptoms are recurrent and in the late stages the victim suffers horrific deformity of his face as the spirochetes rot the bones of the nose, palate and eye. The spirochetologist reassures the reader that a deliberate dissemination of yaws in temperate climates could be controlled by modern hygiene measures and drugs. Asked why yaws and other epidemics were not controlled in the Philippines, given that "disease and not the Japanese beat us in the Philippines", the scientist simply shrugs:
"Such an oversight is out of my province."

"How many lives would you say such an oversight has cost?"

"Hundreds of thousands of lives and millions of casualties in the Philippines alone, within a space of a very few years, say five."
Newman's scientist discusses, with more than a dollop of cynicism, the fact that recent efforts by US scientists to duplicate experiments in the culture of yaws and syphilis spirochetes published by Noguchi and his successors have failed.
"Now we find that no spirochetes develop in such jellies, even though the Japanese directions are followed painstakingly. Essential information must have been withheld by the Japanese. Nevertheless, it is difficult to believe that Noguchi would in his magnificent benevolence countenance such secrecy. Noguchi had a world view."
The chapter concludes with a discussion of sodoku, and the fact that Japanese researchers had "found" these microbes in the noses of lepers in India, even though it is normally acquired not by the airborne route, but by the bite of an animal. The Japanese reported that these bacteria were then able to infect "volunteers". Newman, referring to biowarfare as "oligodynamic warfare", concludes his chapter on spirochetes with the following chilling words:
In oligodynamic warfare, pigmies amok may loose the thunderbolts of the gods.
Lyme disease, like that other spirochetal disease, syphilis, is known as a "Great Imitator". It is believed to be able to mimic dozens of conditions, including Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (Lou Gehrig's Disease), Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or M.E., Attention Deficit Disorder, Multiple Sclerosis, Autism, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus, and many more. Recent evidence has even linked it with the devastating plague of Alzheimers. (4)(5)
Could we, in the 21st century, be witnessing the shocking legacy of attempts to unleash the "thunderbolts of the gods?"

"Japan's Secret Weapon" by Barclay Newman was published by Current Publishing Co., New York in 1944. At the time of writing (November 2008), it is still available to the public at various online booksellers, at prices ranging from $25 to $100. (6)
Elena Cook can be contacted at the following email address:
elena444cook at yahoo dot co dot uk


  1. L-forms are variants of bacteria lacking a cell wall. The "L" refers to the Lister Institute where they were studied in the 1930's. They occur both spontaneously and also as a result of induction in the lab by agents such as penicillin. Some L-forms revert to their original form; others appear to remain stable. (adapted from "Jawetz, Melnick and Adelberg's Medical Microbiology", McGraw-Hill Professional, 2004)
  2. ie "Unit 731, the Japanese Army's Secret off Secrets", Williams P, and Wallace, D, Published by Hodder and Stoughton 1989.
  3. Sodoku is the Japanese name for the disease rat-bite fever. According to CDC, "Rat-bite fever (RBF) is an infectious disease caused by two different organisms, Streptobacillus moniliformis and Spirillum minus. In the United States, Rat-bite fever is primarily due to infection with S. moniliformis. Spirillum minus causes Rat-bite fever cases in countries such as Asia and Africa." Interestingly S. Moniliformis was one of the first bacteria for which L-form was cultured in the lab. (Shingaki et al, in "Induction of L-form-like cell shape change of Bacillus subtilis under microculture conditions" Microbiology 149 (2003), 2501-2511) Spirillum minus, though spiral-shaped, is no longer classified as a spirochete in microbiological nomenclature.
  4. See "Plaques of Alzheimer's disease originate from cysts of Borrelia burgdorferi, the Lyme disease spirochete" MacDonald AB., Med Hypotheses. 2006;67(3):592-600. Epub 2006
  5. See also "Beta-amyloid deposition and Alzheimer's type changes induced by Borrelia spirochetes". Miklossy et al, Neurobiol Aging. 2006 Feb;27(2):228-36.

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